Tag Archives: maintenance

Unexpected Beauty: Managing Your Property’s Premature Awakening With Confidence

Spring has an elegant way of ushering in a season of renewal and awakening, often bursting with color and the sounds of new life.

A tale as old as time and as true as it ever was: “The early bird catches the worm.” However, this year, Mother Nature seems to have added a little pep to her step.

Perhaps lately you’ve found yourself saying, “Wow, my property is unseasonably colorful.”

Or maybe even “Look at how many trees and flowers have already bloomed, it’s like looking at a Bob Ross painting!”

As we take a moment and marvel at the beauty unfolding around us, the different scents and flavors dancing in the breeze, ILT Vignocchi wants to remind our fellow community members to be aware of the implications of “premature blossoming.” 

The early warm-up followed by the late frosts ahead poses unique challenges for property owners, so let’s dive in!


A unique obstacle, commonly known as a “late frost,” occurs when temperatures drop below freezing after the growing season has already begun. This phenomenon happens during the transitional period, when plants start to emerge from dormancy and new growth has begun. “Late frosts” cause ground temperatures to plummet when cold air masses settle into the area as the heat radiates away from the ground. 



Rest assured that early-blooming bulbs are more robust than they appear. Tulips, daffodils, and other spring blooms are hardier than we give them credit for. Despite the threat of frost, these resilient plants are unlikely to suffer permanent damage. However, a layer of mulch or covering can provide added protection during sudden cold snaps, ensuring your foliage remains intact.



While we’re on the topic of hardiness, frost may cause a slight browning of foliage tips, but it’s nothing to fret over. This natural process, known as “frost damage,” is temporary and poses no significant harm to the plants. So, if you wake up to a frost-covered garden, take a deep breath and trust in nature’s resilience.



The dance between winter and spring is epitomized by the magnolia tree. Its fuzzy flower bud covering acts as a protective shield, guarding the delicate petals. However, once this “blanket” falls away, the flowers on the magnolia tree become vulnerable to sudden changes in temperature. While some petals may be lost to a late frost, the magnolia as a whole endures.



Early warming temperatures can accelerate weed growth, competing with desirable plants for nutrients and space. Implementing weed control measures can suppress weed growth and preserve the aesthetic appeal of your property.



Early-blooming plants may exhibit signs of nutrient deficiencies due to imbalanced soil conditions or inadequate fertilization. This occurs because of the constant change in rapid heating and cooling of soil temperatures, which causes water to expand and contract. A targeted fertilization program can correct nutrient deficiencies and promote healthy plant growth.


While the early bloom may present challenges, we hope you feel assured about what lies ahead. 

If you are a current landscaping maintenance client, you already know that your team here at ILT Vignocchi is staying on top of this and will be implementing the measures necessary to safeguard your property.

And as you navigate the ebbs and flows of Mother Nature, remember that ILT Vignocchi is here to help guide and support you every step of the way. Our expertise in landscaping design, build, and maintenance ensures that your outdoor spaces remain vibrant and aesthetic year-round. 

You can embrace the early bloom and trust in the beauty of nature’s timing, knowing ILT Vignocchi is just a call away.

If you’re ready to uplevel your outdoor space or hand off the maintenance to a trusted industry expert, call us at 847.487.5200 (ext: 2220) for a consultation, or send a message our way to get started!

Protecting Your Landscape: How to Prepare for and Minimize Damage from Cicadas

As the warm weather approaches, so do the sounds that follow spring air. Early mornings are filled with songs from birds migrating back to their homes, looking for a friend, and looking for a meal. And every 13 or 17 years comes a different type of song that brings back a memory like a photograph. The large oak tree at the end of the street was infested from root to tip. This tree was fully engulfed by hundreds upon hundreds of Cicadas! The neighborhood dogs were going crazy trying to catch them as they zipped by us on our casual neighborhood stroll. But that’s not where it stopped… We were also left with a huge mess on our driveway, our porch, our roof, every crevasse of our yard, spreading across the entirety of our property. 

It’s important to note that there are two types of cicadas: Annual and periodical cicadas. 

The annual cicadas spend 2-5 years underground. Due to the synchronization of their emergence cycles, these cicadas appear yearly across the United States, emerging from July to September.

An Annual Cicada; Image Source: National Museum of Natural History

On the other hand, periodical cicadas burrow beneath the earth’s surface for either 13 or 17 years, and make their appearance as a “brood.”  A brood of cicadas simply means that they emerge in a particular geographic area during a specific year. Each brood is composed of multiple species of cicadas that belong to the same emergence cohort. Their appearance, characterized by vast numbers, typically occurs between late April and June in the Eastern United States. 2024 marks a special year for periodical cicadas in that both the 13-year and 17-year broods will unearth and infiltrate in north-central Illinois!

A Periodical Cicada; Image Source: National Museum of Natural History

How can such harmless insects, known for their loud songs and distinctively bright appearance, commonly seen in Lake County, be such a pain and a harm to your property and landscapes? With their emergence comes the increased potential for damage to our environment and even your landscapes. So let’s explore the impact of cicadas on our natural surroundings and enlighten you about what property owners can do to prepare for and minimize the potential damage that result from their massive uprising.


Understanding Cicadas:

Before we delve into how to protect our landscapes, let’s take a moment to understand these intriguingly loud insects. Cicadas belong to the order Hemiptera and are known for their distinctive noises, produced by structures on their abdomens called tymbals. Despite their loud noise, cicadas are completely harmless to humans—they don’t bite, sting, or pose any direct physical danger to people or other animals. Most cicadas spend the majority of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding on tree sap and tunneling beneath the soil. 


The Impact of Cicadas on Landscapes:

While cicadas may not pose a direct threat to humans, they can wreak havoc on our landscapes. During their emergence, cicadas lay eggs in the branches of trees, causing damage to young twigs and branches. Additionally, adult cicadas feed on the sap of trees, which can weaken them and make them more susceptible to diseases and other pests. For property owners, this can result in aesthetic damage to trees and shrubs, as well as potential long-term health issues for their landscape.


Preparing For The Cicada Emergence (Brooding):

As the anticipation of cicada emergence looms, it becomes imperative for property owners to take proactive measures to shield their landscapes from potential damage and further headache down the road. Here are some actionable steps you can take today so that you are as prepared as possible for what is to come!

Inspect Your Trees: Before the cicadas emerge, do a meticulous inspection of your trees. Look for any signs of damage or weakness, such as dead or damaged branches. Promptly prune these branches to mitigate the risk of cicadas laying eggs in them and causing further harm.

Consider Netting: For smaller trees deemed valuable or particularly vulnerable, the application of fine mesh netting can serve as a formidable barrier against cicada intrusion. By covering these trees with netting, property owners can effectively prevent cicadas from accessing the branches and inflicting damage.

Maintain Tree Health: A robust defense against cicada damage begins with maintaining the health and vitality of your trees. Ensure they receive adequate hydration through regular watering, especially during dry periods. Additionally, provide proper fertilization to nourish the trees, fortifying them against potential cicada onslaughts.

Plant Selection: Some plants are less attractive to cicadas than others. Choosing landscaping plants that cicadas are less likely to feed on or lay eggs in can help minimize damage to your property.

Burn Old Debris: Old branches that are left on the ground and scattered around your property or stacked for firewood can serve as a potential food source for cicadas. By safely burning old unnecessary branches and dead wood, you eliminate this potential food source, making your property less attractive to cicadas.

Ecologically Conscious Introductions: Cicadas have natural predators such as birds, squirrels, and bats. Attracting these seasonal predators to your property through bird feeders, bat boxes, have been shown to greatly help reduce not only cicada populations but other annoying bugs such as mosquitos, wasps, and flies just to name a few.

Consult a Professional: When in doubt, seek the expertise of a professional landscaping company like ILT Vignocchi, Inc. Consulting with experienced professionals can provide invaluable insights and tailored solutions to safeguard your landscape from cicada damage. From comprehensive assessments to personalized recommendations, we can guide property owners through effective cicada management strategies. 

Implementing these proactive measures will significantly reduce the impact of cicada emergence on their landscapes. Seeking guidance from professionals when necessary will save you money and a headache in the long run. Remember, early preparation and strategic planning are key to preserving the health and beauty of your outdoor spaces amidst nature’s cyclical phenomena. 

It’s important to note that cicadas are a natural part of the ecosystem, and their populations are cyclical. In many cases, the best approach is to allow natural processes to occur and focus on protecting valuable or vulnerable plants and allow the professionals at ILT Vignocchi Inc. to take care of all of your landscaping needs. Rest assured that we will be implementing tried-and-true methods to take a proactive approach to the great awakening ahead. 


Call us at 847.487.5200 (ext: 2220) for a consultation, or send a message our way to get started!


February Newsletter 2022

A Message from our President
I humbly welcome you to a happy new year.  Humbly because it has been a journey for many of us.  There is something about adversity that brings out the best in people.  I feel that way about our team.  They have continually come to work during a pandemic, following our strict safety rules.  It wasn’t easy.

What I found so enchanting is that we focused on building comradery.  We instituted weekly meetings, headed by one of our trusted coordinators, that attempted to bring people together and create a sense of community when it felt like there was not one left.

This is the company you employ.  We strive for the best, so you are elated with your services.  But we also strive to make a safe place of health and happiness for our hard-working employees.  Coming from immigrants, I know their struggles and their fears.  It is our pleasure to combine service to you with the service to them.

We look forward to a new year with you.  We thank you for your business.  Most importantly, we thank you for helping us to make the world better for our environment, which includes our employees.

Donna Vignocchi Zych

Landscape Maintenance Update
Can you believe that April is around the corner?

Monthly, we will inform you of what you can expect on your property, generally.  I say generally because nature is a living thing.  Conditions change, plants die for little to no reason and diseases can be prevalent.

For February you should have received your landscape management renewal if you have one.  You should have received a site improvement proposal as well as an irrigation proposal if applicable.  If you don’t have one and would like to request an estimate please let us know.  The contact information is at the end of the email.  If you are not certain whom to call…call me!  Donna Vignocchi Zych at 847.613.5102.

Other than that know that we are very diligently preparing for spring 2022 and cannot wait to see all of you again.

Reminder of a great project

On a personal note
This year we experienced the passing of Carol Asher.  It had a profound effect on those of our staff that worked with her and personally within our ILT Vignocchi family.

For anyone that knew her she was a force…elegant and intelligent.  My memories of her are her love of plants and gardening.  She appreciated it as art, which most people do not.  Her and her husband, Mr. Asher, have been so generous and influential in the lives of my father and I as well as our staff.  For us at this time, it feels as though there isn’t enough gratitude.  But with gratitude for people that think selflessly, there is responsibility.  To perpetuate beauty of nature and kindness of spirit.  I for one will take this to heart and try to disseminate it to our work family.

We will miss her deeply and hope that there are the most beautiful gardens where she is now.  But those tending those gardens be assured she might know more than you.

Peace to you Mrs. Asher.  You will always be in my prayers, Donna.

Many of you might not know that we own a wholesale perennials groundcover nursery…here is our plant spotlight of the month!

Viburnum carlesii ‘Spice Baby’

Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby is an improved substitution for Viburnum carlesii ‘Compactum’. Standing at 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide, this petite shrub is an excellent selection for smaller landscapes.  This is a personal favorite of mine.  People love the smell of lilacs, but they can be problematic with blooming and disease.  This is a lovely alternative.  Happy planting!!!

ILT Vignocchi Fire Pit



 Don’t need to be in a secluded part of the yard.

 Don’t have to be strictly for s’mores.

 Don’t have to be boring.

 Firepits DO help create ambiance, a wonderful cozy feel and dramatic scenes so incorporate them into seat walls and your dinning spaces and have them create a WOW factor. We love doing just that for our clients.

ILT Vignocchi Fire Pit

Front Gate Goals

For those that want a bold alternative to their front entrance, add some drama.  This climbing vine makes this peek a boo entrance sing!

Erosion Control using plants

So you have a steep hill, what to do?

 Plantings help prevent erosion

 Plantings add color

 Plantings add interest

 Plantings become a show piece

 Sure, we added 100 tons, or more, of stone, but to enhance the look you need plantings. Lots and lots of beautiful and wonderful plantings of shrubs and perennials to make the look, literally, come alive.

Happy 50th Birthday ILT Vignocchi!!

Turning 50 is such a milestone for any business.  Dips in the economy, increasing regulations, labor issues and shortages.  There are so many ways a company can get off track.  As I contemplate where we have been, of course I think of our unwavering reputation for integrity, artistry and quality.  You consider the massive golf courses, Chicago Botanic Garden installations, as well as corporate and municipal work.  I regard those residential projects that not only won awards but gave our employees such satisfaction and our customers heartfelt joy.

But to me it is more than that.

I don’t know if I have a memory when ILT didn’t exist.  You see, as ILT turns 50, I will be turning 47.  The memories of our company are like fabric woven into my life.

When I watch the countless trucks and trailers roll out of the yard at sunrise each and every morning I indulge the nostalgia of our company’s youth.

I remember Sorney Leahy who let me sit inside his desk drawer when I was very small and let me play with his phone.  Or going to a job site with my dad on a Saturday.  He’d hoist me up on his shoulders and then put me down so I could hug my Nono who was working with our men.  A favorite is my mother who would spend hours picking up sticks before the maintenance crew came to our house so they would not have to bother.

50 years ago there were no computers.  Dad used to spend countless nights drawing plans, scrunching up vellum with discarded ideas and yes, taking calls from his customers on his home phone.

I think life is different when you are in a family business.  Of course it is hard and there are arguments, lots.  But there is a short cut with family that makes it easier, because you know in the end, you will always love one another.

  • Donna Vignocchi Zych

Owner ILT Vignocchi

Benefits of Dormant Pruning

As landscape architects and arborists we often find that plant material on our new residential, commercial and HOA sites have been left to get overgrown and mismanaged. The key to getting the plant material looking healthy, vibrant and growing properly again is of course dormant pruning.

Dormant pruning takes place during the winter months and this is valuable for many reasons. With the leaves absent precision pruning is much easier. Cutting the plant in the right spot helps the plant heal better and faster in the growing season. It also allows us to see the shape of the plant better and see limbs and stems that are either damaged, diseased or crossing. The colder months also mean less airborne diseases that could affect the fresh wounds of plants.

A sure sign that dormant pruning needs to be done is the evidence of witches broom which is a dense mass of shoots growing from a single point. This happens when the plant is perpetually pruned or sheared on the top and never in the middle or base of the plant. This type of pruning leads to a plant that is top heavy with leaves, but looks bare and leggy on the stems and base.

Dormant pruning removes the witches broom, allows us to remove overgrown stems at the base of the plant and makes it easier to remove unwanted growth. These fixes allow sunlight and air to get to the entire plant and not only to the top sections. Heights of plants are also much more easily controlled during dormant pruning allowing the plant to take on a natural shape during the growing season without blocking windows or doors.

-Aaron Zych

Landscape Architect  & Certified Arborist

Tulip Trivia

As I sit on this blisteringly cold January day my mind drifts to our lovely friend, the tulip.

You see my mother loves tulips.  Even though we lived in Riverwoods and had to contend with deer feasting on them she would plant them.  Not en masse but in charming little bundles that would cheerfully pop up in spring.  She would sometimes even pair them with Allium, in order to deter our beautiful yet hungry friends.

Her love affair continues today, although now she must battle chipmunks and squirrels who enjoy digging them up and moving them around.  This year I finally convinced her to even try my favorite tulip blend created by a most trusted vendor.  It’s called French Blend.  Wow, wait until she sees her spring display!

French Blend Tulip

The French Tulip Blend

It’s difficult to think of spring on such a snow covered day, but it will come.  My contemplating of the tulip has led me to some poking around.  I’ve found some interesting tidbits that I thought I’d share…

  1. Origin Story:  Thought that tulips originated in Holland?  They did not.  It is widely believed that they were first cultivated in a corridor along the 40° latitude between Northern China and Southern Europe.
  2. Tulips travel to Turkey:  When the tulip first made its way to Turkey it was revered by the Sultan and was cultivated solely for his pleasure and that of his entourage.  He forbid tulips to bought or sold outside of the capital.  The punishment?  Exile.
  3. A Status Symbol:  Tulips were cultivated to be curated.  They became a symbol of status and power for both Royalty and the very wealthy.  Mirrors were placed around arrangements and in gardens to create the appearance that the owner could afford more than they actually could.
  4. A Bricklayer’s Wage for 15 years:  At the height of what is called “Tulip Mania” once they had reached Holland, a single bulb would go for the price of a homepurchased in Amsterdam, or… a bricklayer’s wage for 15 years.
  5. There is an actual Tulip Museum…Outside:  Keukenhof is worth the visit in May each year.  I have been and I will never forget it.  It is display garden after garden that is painstakingly designed and installed annually.

And that my friends, is just some of the fun facts around out delightful spring friend.

Donna Vignocchi Zych