OPERATIONAL UPDATE FROM ILT VIGNOCCHI: Along with you and the rest of the world, we’ve been closely monitoring the evolving situation with COVID-19 and we wanted to share important information with you about how our team is working to ensure that our operations and your service is handled appropriately and effectively.
As you are all certainly aware by now, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order #8, effective March 21, at 5:00 PM through April 7; directing Illinois residents to Stay at Home. The terms of the Stay at Home order are somewhat complicated and open to some interpretation as to exactly which services are considered essential at this time of year. We are currently consulting with the Illinois government through our state trade association, Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA) to get further clarification on the boundaries of the Governor’s order. However, and above all else, ILT is going to adhere to our fundamental company code of conduct on which we have always based our decision making; “Do the Right Thing”.
So as of today, to remain in compliance with the Governor’s order, and to promote the strongest effort to protect and keep safe our employees, their families, our customers, and the general public, ILT will now set up to begin full scale landscape operations on April 8. Please understand, we are as eager to kick off the season as you are to have us continue working on your property, but the health and welfare of all of us needs to remain our primary motivation as we consider the fluid flow of information we receive on a daily basis.
We are currently exploring the feasibility of running one man crews, with staggered start times to avoid employee interaction, to continue providing essential services where it is appropriate according to the Governor’s order and each customer’s individual needs. Additionally, essential operations such as snow/ice management, debris/trash removal, and any other operations necessary to ensure your safety and well-being as well as that of the essential service providers that need to visit your properties will continue.
To keep things in perspective, April 8th is only one week later than our originally scheduled startup date of March 30. Rest assured that all of the services that are included in your landscape management agreements will be performed in a timely manner to their full extent once we are allowed to operate at full strength once again.
All of our employees have been and will continue to be briefed consistently on the current standards and precautions listed below as set forth by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and they have been directed to follow them without exception.
We are also providing increased protective supplies to our employees and educating them about their proper use.
As an ILT customer/vendor/employee/family member, be assured of our absolute commitment to responding with utmost caution regarding the safety of everyone and to continue business operations to support our clients. We certainly appreciate your patience and understanding as we all navigate through these challenging times. We extend our best wishes to all of you.
From our work family to yours…Stay safe and stay at home.
Your management team,
Donna Vignocchi Zych, Harry Vignocchi, Aaron Zych, Kevin Block, Melisa Bell